Publications in Imagology



  • 2011/2015 Spiegelpaleis Europa: Europese cultuur als mythe en beeldvorming (Nijmegen: Vantilt; 3rd ed. 2015). This book was awarded the Dr Wijnaendts Francken prize for essay writing by the Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde.

edited collections

  • 2021 (with Vladimir Biti and Vivian Liska, eds.), The idea of Europe: The clash of projections (Leiden: Brill).
  • 2021 (with Jürgen Barkhoff, ed.), National stereotyping, identity politics, European crises (Leiden: Brill)
  • 2015 (with Luc van Doorslaer & Peter Flynn) Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology (Amsterdam: Benjamins)
  • 2009 (with Ton Hoenselaars) The Rhetoric of National Character (Theme issue 13.3 of the European Journal of English Studies)
  • 2007 (with Manfred Beller) Imagology: The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation of National Characters - A Critical Survey (Amsterdam: Rodopi), xvi + 476 pp (Studia imagologica, 13) — now online in Open Access here
  • 1994 (with Menno Spiering) German Reflections (Amsterdam: Rodopi), vii + 245 pp (Yearbook of European Studies, 7)
  • 1992 (with Karl Ulrich Syndram) Europa provincia mundi. Essays in Comparative Literature and European Studies offered to Hugo Dyserinck on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday (Amsterdam: Rodopi)
  • 1991 (with Raymond Corbey) Alterity, Identity, Image. Selves and Others in Society and Scholarship, (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 269 pp.

audio book

  • 2018 Echo’s van Europa: Een hoorcollege over Europese cultuur als mythe en beeldvorming (Den Haag; Home Academy; downloadable audio online)


  • 2023 “Honour and Violence: Mediterranean Exoticism and Masculinity”, in European Modernity and the Passionate South: Gender and Nation in Spain and Italy in the Long Nineteenth Century, ed. Xavier Andreu-Muralles & Mónica Bolufer-Peruga (Leiden: Brill), 92-107. Online here.
  • 2022 “Enmity, Identity, Discourse: Imagology and the State”, in New Perspectives on Imagology, ed. Katharina Edtstadler, Sandra Folie & Gianna Zocco (Leiden: Brill), 49-69. Online here.
  • 2021 “Eurotypes after Eurocentrism: Mixed feelings in an uncomfortable world”, in The idea of Europe: The clash of projections, ed. V. Biti, J. Leerssen & V. Liska (Leiden: Brill), 85-98
  • 2021 “The camp and the home: Europe as myth and metaphor”, in National stereotyping, identity politics, European crises, ed. J. Barkhoff & J. Leerssen (Leiden: Brill), 125-141.
  • 2019 “Nationale identiteit als perpetuum mobile: identiteitsbesef in permanente wording”, chapter 4 in Denkend aan Nederland: Een bundeling van analyses, thematische verkenningen en essays (Sociaal Cultureel Rapport 2019; The Hague: Sociaal-Cultureel Planbureau), 3-27. Online here.
  • 2019 “The North: A cultural stereotype between metaphor and national essentialism”, in Northern myths, modern identities: The nationalisation of northern mythologies since 1800, ed. Simon Haloink (Leiden: Brill), 13-32
  • 2016 “Imagology: On using ethnicity to make sense of the world”, Iberic@l: Revue d’études ibériques et ibéro-américaines, 10: 13-31. Online here.
  • 2015 "Identifying the past", in Geschichte als ein fremdes Land: Historische Bilder in Süd-Ost-Europa, ed. Z. Blažević, Ivana Brković & D. Dukić (Bon: Bouvier), 17-30
  • 2012 "Ethnotypen sind Akteure: Zur Poetik und Rhetorik des Vorurteils", in Wir und die Anderen: Stereotypen in der Schweiz / Nous et les autres: Stéréotypes en Suisse, ed. B. Engler (Fribourg: Academic Press / Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozial¬wissenschaften), 5-20
  • 2006 "Englishness, ethnicity and Matthew Arnold", European Journal of English Studies, 10: 63-79.
  • 2004 "Sublime landscape and national character", in Beziehungen und Identitäten: Österreich, Irland und die Schweiz, ed. G. Holfter, M. Krajenbrink & E. Moxton-Browne (Frankfurt: Lang, 2004), 25-36.
  • 2003 "Between skin and horizon", in Cross-cultural travel. Papers from the Royal Irish Academy symposium on literature and travel, ed. J. Conroy (New York: Lang): 1-10.
  • 2000 "The rhetoric of national character: A programmatic survey", Poetics today, 21 #2: 265-290.
  • 1999 "Caractères des nations et imagologie", XVIIe siècle, 51 #1: 119-123.
  • 1999 "Tussen huiselijkheid en kosmopolitisme. De Nederlandse identiteit in Wolff en Dekens Sara Burgerhart", in «Typisch Nederlands». De Nederlandse identiteit in de letterkunde, ed. K. Enenkel, S. Onderdelinden & P.J. Smith (Voorthuizen: Florivallis, 1999), 113-122.
  • 1998 "Mythe, magie en mystificatie: Keltofilie tussen romantiek en «new age»", in Kelten en de Nederlanden van prehistorie tot heden, ed. Lauran Toorians (Leuven: Peeters), 223-238.
  • 1998 "Volksaard en mensenkennis in de zeventiende eeuw: van bijgeloof naar kennissysteem", in Vreemd volk. Beeldvorming over buitenlanders in de vroegmoderne tijd, ed. H. Hendrix & T. Hoenselaars (Amsterdam University Press), 121-136.
  • 1997 "National Stereotypes and Literature. Canonicity, Characterization, Irony", in L'immagine dell' altro e l'identità nazionale: Metodi di ricerca letteraria, ed. M. Beller (Fasano: Schena; suppl. to Il Confronto letterario, 24 [1996]): 49-60.
  • 1997 "L'effet de typique", in Moeurs et images. Etudes d'imagologie européenne, ed. A. Montandon (Clermont-Ferrand: Université Blaise Pascal, Centre de recherches sur les littératures modernes et contemporaines), 129-134.
  • 1997 "The allochronic periphery: Towards a grammar of cross-cultural representation", in Beyond “Pug's Tour”. National and ethnic stereotyping in theory and literary practice, ed. C.C. Barfoot (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 285-294.
  • 1995 "Een omzwerving rond Monte-Cristo. Mediterrane beeldvorming van Byron tot Bogart en Braudel", in Schurken en schelmen. Cultuurhistorische verkenningen rond de Middellandse Zee, ed. A.M. van Erp Taalman Kip & I.F. de Jong (Amsterdam University Press), 9-24.
  • 1994 "As Others See, among Others, Us: The Anglo-German relationship in context", in As Others See Us. Anglo-German perceptions, ed. H. Husemann (Frankfurt /Main etc: Peter Lang), 69-79; again in Anglo-German Attitudes, ed. C. Cullingford & H. Husemann (Aldershot: Avebury, 1995): 209-221.
  • 1992 "Identity and Self-Image: German Auto-Exoticism as Escape from History", in Komparatistik und Europaforschung. Perspektiven vergleichender Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, ed. H. Dyserinck & K.U. Sydram (Bonn/Berlin: Bouvier), 117-136.
  • 1992 "Image and Reality – and Belgium", in Europa Provincia Mundi, ed. J.Th. Leerssen & K.U. Syndram (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 281-291.
  • 1990 "Verbeelding en Wereldbeeld: Over exotische avonturenverhalen en Europese cultuurnormen", Forum der Letteren, 31: 161-174.
  • 1990 "On the Treatment of Irishness in Romantic Anglo-Irish Fiction", Irish University Review, 20, #2: 251-263.
  • 1990 "Outward Bound: The Locale and Ontology of Cultural Stereotype in the Case of Celtic Exoticism", in Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the ICLA, München 1988 (5 vols.; München: Iudicium), IV: 212-216.
  • 1988 "«The Cracked Lookingglass of a Servant»: Cultural Decolonization and National Consciousness in Ireland and Africa", in Europa und das nationale Selbstverständnis, ed. H. Dyserinck & K.U. Syndram (Bonn: Bouvier), pp. 103-118.
  • 1987 "Montesquieu's Corresponding Images: Cultural and Sexual Alterity in Pseudo-Oriental Letters", Comparative Criticism, 9: 135-54.