Publications on nationalism

website / encyclopedia

  • Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe.
  • Book publication: Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (2 vols.; Amsterdam University Press, 2018).

On the present website there is also a (conceptually indicative and incomplete) checklist of some groups, individuals and symbols involved in racist nationaism since 1945.


  • 2015 Nationalisme (in the series "Elementaire deeltjes", Amsterdam UP)
  • 2014 When was Romantic Nationalism? The onset, the long tail, the banal  (NISE Essays; Antwerpen: NISE, 2014) — online here
  • 2006 De bronnen van het vaderland: Taal, literatuur en de afbakening van Nederland, 1806-1892 (Nijmegen: Vantilt; 2nd ed. 2011)
  • 2006 National thought in Europe: A cultural history (Amsterdam UP; 3rd ed. 2010; Catalan trl. Valencia: Afers, 2019)
  • 1999 Nationaal denken in Europa. Een cultuurhistorische schets (Amsterdam UP)


  • 2008 Vaderlandsliefde: Een hoorcollege over nationalisme en nationaal gevoel in Europa (Den Haag: Home Academy with NRC Handelsblad; audiobook; box, 8 CDs.)

edited collections

  • 2021 World Fairs and the global moulding of national identities: International Exhibitions as cultural platforms, 1851–1958, ed. with Eric Storm (Leiden: Brill)
  • 2010 (with Lotte Jensen & Marita Mathijsen) Free access to the past: Romanticism, cultural heritage and the nation (Leiden: Brill)
  • 1993 (with Manet van Montfrans) Borders and territories (Amsterdam: Rodopi)
  • 1991 (with Menno Spiering) National identity: Symbol and representation (Amsterdam: Rodopi)


  • 2023 “Quixotic? Not Quite: The Context, Agenda and Legacy of Macronational Movements”, in Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840–1940, ed. Ruth Hemstad & Peter Stadius (London: Routledge), 19-34.
  • 2023 “The Rise of the Charismatic Nation: Romantic and Risorgimento Nationalism, Europe 1880–1914”, in The Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism, Cathie Carmichael, Matthew D’Auria & Aviel Roshwald (2 vols.; Cambridge UP) 2: 231-255.
  • 2023 “Romantic Nationalisms”, in The Cambridge History of European Romantic Literature, ed. Patrick Vincent (Cambridge UP), 352-374
  • 2023 “Language or Dialect? A Crux in the History of Central-European Nation-Building”, in Languages and Nationalism Instead of Empires, ed. Motoki Nomachi & Tomasz Kamusella (London: Routledge), 10-23
  • 2023 “Heart to Heart: The Power of Lyrical Bonding in Romantic Nationalism”, Interlitteraria 28.1: 8-19
  • 2022 “Interview with Miroslav Hroch”, SNM: Studies on National Movements, 10: 95-109
  • 2022 “Verstopt in de popcorn: Hoe het nationalisme de twintigste eeuw heeft doorstaan”, Wetenschappelijke Tijdingen 2022/4: 341-366. This is the Dutch version of my valedictory lecture as Professor of European Studies at the University of Amsterdam (22 June 2022); the English text ("Hiding in the Popcorn: How Romantic Nationalism survived into the 21st Century") is here. A video recording of the lecture is online here.
  • 2021 “Cultural mobility and political mobilization: Transnational dynamics, national action”, in The First World War and the nationality question in Europe, ed. Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas (Leiden: Brill, 2021), 17-36.
  • 2021 “Trademarking the nation: World Fairs, spectacles, and the banalization of nationalism”, in World Fairs and the global moulding of national identities: International Exhibitions as cultural platforms, 1851–1958, ed. J. Leerssen & E. Storm (Leiden: Brill), 31-52.
  • 2019 “Nationale identiteit als perpetuum mobile: Identiteitsbesef in permanente wording”, in Denkend aan Nederland: Sociaal Cultureel Rapport 2019 (The Hague: Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau), 1-25.
  • 2019 “Sacral States: The Politics of Worship, Religious and Secular”, in Great Immortality: Studies on European Cultural Sainthood, ed. Jón Karl Helgason & Marijan Dović (Leiden: Brill), 15-27
  • 2018 “Regionalism in the Low Countries”, in Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity constructions and movements from 1890 to the present day, ed. X.M. Núñez & E. Storm (London: Bloomsbury), 213-231.
  • 2017 “The symbolical and political investment of the Rhine: A Dutch perspective” and “The never-ending stream: Cultural mobilization over the Rhine”, in The Rhine: National tensions, romantic visions, ed. M. Beller & J. Leerssen (Leiden: Brill), 14-27 and 224-261.
  • 2017 “Once upon a time in Germany: Medievalism, Academic Romanticism, Nationalism”, in The Making of Medieval History, ed. G. Loud & M. Staub (Woodbridge: Brewer), 101-126.
  • 2016 Entries on "Arndt, Ernst Moritz", "Jahn Friedrich Ludwig" and "Volk" in The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity and nationalism, ed. J. Stone et al. (Oxford: Blackwell)
  • 2015 "The nation and the city: Urban festivals and cultural mobilization", Nations and nationalism, 21.1: 2-20.
  • 2014 "Romanticism, music, nationalism", Nations and nationalism, 20.4: 606-627
  • 2013 (with Benedikte Brincker et al.), "Seventh ‘Nations and nationalism’ debate: Joep Leerssen’s National Thought in Europe", Nations and nationalism, 19.3: 409-433
  • 2013 "Notes toward a definition of Romantic Nationalism", Romantik: Journal for the study of Romanticisms 2: 9-36
  • 2013 “A Cross-Country Foxhunt: Claiming Reynard for the national literatures of nineteenth-century Europe”, in Manufacturing Middle Ages: Entangled history of medievalism in nineteenth-century Europe, ed. P.J. Geary & G. Klaniczay (Leiden: Brill), 259-77
  • 2012 (with Maarten van Ginderachter) "Denied ethnicism: On the Walloon Movement in Belgium", Nations and nationalism 18.2: 230-246
  • 2012 "Oral epic: The nation finds a voice", in Folklore and nationalism during the long nineteenth century, ed. T. Baycroft and D. Hopkin (Leiden: Brill), 11-26
  • 2011 "Viral nationalism: Romantic intellectuals on the move in nineteenth-century Europe", Nations and nationalism 17.2: 257-271
  • 2010 "Setting the scene for national history", in Nationalizing the past: Historians as nation builders in modern Europe, ed. C. Lorenz and S. Berger (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan): 71-85
  • 2008 "Nation and ethnicity", in The contested nation: Ethnicity, class, religion and gender in national histories, ed. S. Berger and C. Lorenz (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 75-103
  • 2006 “Nationalism and the cultivation of culture”, Nations and nationalism 12.4: 559-578 — online here