a. European literary and cultural history
- 2011 Spiegelpaleis Europa: Europese cultuur als mythe en beeldvorming (Nijmegen: Vantilt; 3rd ed. 2015
edited volume
- 2021 World Fairs and the global moulding of national identities: International Exhibitions as cultural platforms, 1851–1958, ed. with Eric Storm (Leiden: Brill)
- 2014 Commemorating writers in 19th-century Europe; Nation-building and centenary fever, ed. with A. Rigney (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)
- 2018 Echo’s van Europa: Een hoorcollege over Europese cultuur als mythe en beeldvorming (Den Haag; Home Academy; downloadable audio at https://www.home-academy.nl/products/echos-van-europa/)
- 2007 Europese Literatuurgeschiedenis: Een hoorcollege (Den Haag: Home Academy; audiobook; box, 8 CDs.)
- 2024 “Culture in a Moving Rearview Mirror: A Historical Meta‑Analysis of Canonicity“, International Journal of Documentary Heritage 1.1, online here
- 2023 “Beginning with Culture: A Certain Idea of Europe”, in The Cambridge History of the European Union, ed. Mathieu Segers & Steven Van Hecke (2 vols.; Cambridge UP), 1: 561-590.
- 2023 “Heart to Heart: The Power of Lyrical Bonding in Romantic Nationalism”, Interlitteraria 28.1: 8-19
- 2023 “Sua fata: History from a Book-Centered Perspective”, Quaerendo 53: 3-22. Online here.
- 2023 “Tussen concert en entente: Benedetti en Norpois”, Bulletin van de Marcel Proust-vereniging 11: 29-39.
- 2022 “Topo-narratives”, in Grimm Ripples: The Legacy of the Grimms’ Deutsche Sagen in Northern Europe, ed. Terry Gunnell (Leiden: Brill), 26-42
- 2021 “Intuiting Archetypes: Did Europe’s Romantics Believe in Their Myths?”, Mythology and Nation Building: N.F.S. Grundtvig and His European Contemporaries, edited by Sophie Bønding, Lone Kølle Martinsen, and Pierre-Brice Stahl (Aarhus University Press), 43–66
- 2021 “Romancing the monarchy: Romantic queens and soft power”, in Cosmopolitan Conservatisms: Countering Revolution in Transnational Networks, Ideas and Movements (c. 1700–1930), ed. M. Lok, F. Pestel & J. Reboul (Leiden: Brill), 283-304
- 2020 “The long shadow or Romantic Nationalism: Symbolism in the Baltic fin-de-siècle“, Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia / Eesti Kunstimuuseumi Toimetised 10 [15]: 13-30)
- 2020 "Fakes, patriotic and otherwise: The past as smoke and mirrors", in Fake for Real: A History of Forgery and Falsification, ed. A. Mork (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union), 129-142.
- 2019 ‘Women Walking, Women Dancing: Motion, Gender, and Eurocentrism’, in Eurocentrism in European History and Memory, ed. Marjet Brolsma, Robin de Bruin & M.M. Lok (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Preess, 2019), 121-139.
- 2019 “Sacral States: The Politics of Worship, Religious and Secular”, in Great Immortality: Studies on European Cultural Sainthood, ed. Jón Karl Helgason & Marijan Dović (Leiden: Brill), 15-27
- 2019 ‘So what is a narrative?’, in Europe Exposed: Report (Brussels: House of European History, 31-36.
- 2016 "Conscience onder de analfabeten", in De grote onleesbare: Hendrik Conscience herdacht, ed. Kris Humbeeck, Kevin Absillis & Janneke Weijermars (Gent: Academia Press), 369-390
- 2016 "Shakespeare and national literatures", in The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, ed. Bruce Smith & Katherine Rowe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 2: 1064-1070
- 2015 "Schiller 1859: Literary historicism and readership mobilization", "Vondel 1867: Amsterdam-Netherlands, Protestant-Catholic" and (with Ann Rigney) "Introduction: Fanning out from Shakespeare", in Commemorating writers in 19th-century Europe; Nation-building and centenary fever, ed. J. Leerssen and A. Rigney (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), 24-39, 173-187 and 1-23
- 2014 “Op zoek naar de leesbaarheid van de Recherche”, Bulletin van de Marcel Proust-vereniging 6: 5-13.
- 2012 "Retro-fitting the past: Literary historicism between the Golden Spurs and Waterloo", in The historical imagination in nineteenth-century Britain and the Low Countries, ed. H. Dunthorne & M. Wintle (Leiden: Brill), 113-131
- 2010 (with John Neubauer et al.) "The rural outlaws of East-Central Europe", in History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe, ed. M. Cornis-Pope and J. Neubauer (Amsterdam: Benjamins), 4: 407-40
- 2010 "Novels and their readers, memories and their social frameworks", in Performing the past: Memory, history, and identity in modern Europe, ed. K. Tilmans et al. (Amsterdam UP), 235-56
- 2008 "Making Shakespeare national", in Shakespeare and European politics, ed. D. Delabastita, J. de Vos and P. Franssen (University of Delaware Press)
- 2002 “Nature, History and Modernity”, in The New Georgics: Rural and Regional Motifs in the Contemporary European Novel, ed. L. Korthals Altes & M. van Montfrans (Amsterdam: Rodopi), 13-28
- 2000 “Literature, theory and a world called Tlön: Borgesian Ficciones between artifice and thought experiment”, Neohelicon, 27.1: 97-106
- 2000 “The Bold and the Beautiful. Van feuilletonroman naar soap opera: Een negentiende-eeuws patroon in twintigste-eeuwse media”, De nieuwste tijd 13/14: 7-19.
b. Knowledge production in Europe: History and theory of the humanities
- 2019 Comparative Literature in Britain, 1800-2000: National, identities, transnational dynamics (Oxford: MHRA/Legenda).
- 1984 Komparatistik in Grossbritannien, 1800-1850 (Bonn: Bouvier)
edited collection
- 2008 (with Dirk Van Hulle) Editing the nation’s memory: Textual scholarship and nation-building in nineteenth-century Europe (Amsterdam: Rodopi)
online dataset
2024 Pseudohistory
- 2024 “Literary history outside the Gutenberg Comfort Zone”, in The Languages of World Literature, ed. A. Hölter (Proceedings of the XXI Congress of the ICLA, 1; Berlin: De Gruyter), 103-126
- 2024 “What language are we speaking here? Λογος in a post-humanist climate”, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 54: 227-234.
- 2023 “Language or Dialect? A Crux in the History of Central European Nation-Building”, in Languages and Nationalism Instead of Empires, ed. Motoki Nomachi & Tomasz Kamusella (London: Routledge), 10-23
- 2022 “«Culture and Anarchy» revisited”, in Engaged humanities: Rethinking art, culture, and public life, ed. A. Swinnen, A. Kluveld & R. van de Vall (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022), 9-11
- 2021 “Culture, humanities, evolution: The complexity of meaning-making over time”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376.1828 (Theme issue, ‘Foundations of cultural evolution’, 2021), https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2020.0043
- 2016 “Gods, heroes and mythologists: Romantic scholars and the pagan roots of European nations”, History of humanities 1: 71-100.
- 2014 “Networks and Patchworks: Communication, Identities, Mediators”, Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire 92.4: 1395-1402
- 2012 "The rise of philology: The comparative method, the historicist turn and the surreptitious influence of Giambattista Vico", in The making of the humanities 2: From early modern to modern disciplines, ed. R. Bod, J. Maat and T. Weststeijn (Amsterdam UP), 23-35
- 2000 “Old World, old discipline, old hat? Comparative Literature at the end of the century”, arcadia 34 #2: 408-412.
- 1999 “For a post-Foucaldian literary history: A test case from the Gaelic tradition”, Configurations, 7: 227-245.
- Chronological bibliographies, historical and current, on British research comparative literary studies, in Comparative Criticism, vols. 7-15 (1985-1993)