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Recent and forthcoming:

Charismatic Nations: A Cultural History of Nationalism in Europe, 1800 to the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025, in press)

“Culture in a Moving Rearview Mirror: A Historical Meta‑Analysis of Canonicity“, International Journal of Documentary Heritage 1.1 (2024), online here

“Literary history outside the Gutenberg Comfort Zone”, in The Languages of World Literature, ed. A. Hölter (Proceedings of the XXI Congress of the ICLA, 1; Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024), 103-126

‘Heart to Heart: The Power of Lyrical Bonding in Romantic Nationalism’, Interlitteraria 28.1 (2023): 8-19

‘Quixotic? Not Quite: The Context, Agenda and Legacy of Macronational Movements′, in Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840–1940, ed. Ruth Hemstad & Peter Stadius (London: Routledge, 2023), 19-34.

‘The Rise of the Charismatic Nation: Romantic and Risorgimento Nationalism, Europe 1880–1914’, in The Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism, ed. Cathie Carmichael, Matthew D’Auria & Aviel Roshwald (Cambridge UP, 2023) 2: 231-255

‘Romantic Nationalisms’, in The Cambridge History of European Romantic Literature, ed. Patrick Vincent (Cambridge UP, 2023), 352-374

‘Beginning with Culture: A Certain Idea of Europe’, in The Cambridge History of the European Union, ed. Mathieu Segers & Steven Van Hecke (Cambridge UP, 2023), 1: 561-590.

Key publications:

2022 Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (online as web resource at; book publication 2nd ed. 2 vols., Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press)

2024 “Literary history outside the Gutenberg Comfort Zone”, in The Languages of World Literature, ed. A. Hölter (Proceedings of the XXI Congress of the ICLA, 1; Berlin: De Gruyter), 103-126

2023 ‘The Rise of the Charismatic Nation: Romantic and Risorgimento Nationalism, Europe 1880–1914’, in The Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism, ed. Cathie Carmichael, Matthew D’Auria & Aviel Roshwald (2 vols.; Cambridge UP) 2: 231-255

2021 “Cultural mobility and political mobilization: Transnational dynamics, national action”, in The First World War and the nationality question in Europe, ed. Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas (Leiden: Brill, 2021), 17-36.

2021 “The camp and the home: Europe as myth and metaphor”, in National stereotyping, identity politics, European crises, ed. J. Barkhoff & J. Leerssen (Leiden: Brill), 125-141.

2021 World Fairs and the global moulding of national identities: International Exhibitions as cultural platforms, 1851–1958, ed. with Eric Storm (Leiden: Brill)

2017 “The never-ending stream: Cultural mobilization over the Rhine”, in The Rhine: National tensions, romantic visions, ed. M. Beller & J. Leerssen (Leiden: Brill), 224-261.

2016 “Cuchulain in the General Post Office: Gaelic Revival, Irish Rising”, Journal of the British Academy, 4: 137-168.

2015 "The nation and the city: Urban festivals and cultural mobilization", Nations and nationalism, 21.1: 2-20.

2015 “De Limburgse identiteit”, in Limburg: Een geschiedenis, ed. P. Tummers et al (Maastricht: LGOG), 3: 303-322.

2014 Commemorating writers in 19th-century Europe; Nation-building and centenary fever, ed. with A. Rigney (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan)

2014 "Romanticism, music, nationalism", Nations and nationalism, 20.4: 606-627

2013 "Notes toward a definition of Romantic Nationalism", Romantik: Journal for the study of Romanticisms 2: 9-36

2011 Spiegelpaleis Europa: Europese cultuur als mythe en beeldvorming (Nijmegen: Vantilt; 3rd ed. 2015)

2006 De bronnen van het vaderland: Taal, literatuur en de afbakening van Nederland, 1806-1892 (Nijmegen: Vantilt; 2nd ed. 2011)

2006 National thought in Europe: A cultural history (Amsterdam UP; 3rd ed. 2018; Catalan trl. Valencia: Afers, 2019)

1996 Remembrance and imagination. Patterns in the historical and literary representation of Ireland in the nineteenth century (Cork UP)

1986 Mere Irish and Fíor-Ghael. Studies in the idea of Irish nationality, its development and literary expression prior to the nineteenth century (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 2nd ed. Cork UP, 1996)